Apps & Web Applications

TV2 Lorry

What Should We Do Today?


What Should We Do Today?

That’s a good question. Maybe you are on vacation in your summerhouse, it has been raining for three days in a row and the kids are climbing on the walls. In this case, the question is even better; what should we do? It could be nice to know what the area can offer. What activities can you jump into when the beach doesn’t appeal to you. In this specific scenario, it could be ideal to explore the new experience app from TV2 Lorry. Explore and find a ‘’Plan B’’ on the spot. Of course, you can also use it to plan ahead, but the point with these digital apps is more likely to use them ‘on the go’.

Claus Ladefoged

Head of Digital Development at TV 2 Regionerne
“OPLEV” is a strong combination of a good digital solution based on good video-based content. At first, it had its success in a mobile-friendly web solution on, but as a natural extension, it had to become available in an app due to the need of the users. Instead of walking down the ‘native way’, we decided to invite Dwarf on board to create a tailored solution for all clients. It has been a pleasure to experience the OPLEV app being enriched with new content and digital solutions – and this is not the final say, because we experience that the users really like the product!”

Christophe Kolbeck

Editor for Design and Grafik at TV 2 Lorry
“TV 2 Lorry began the adventure with OPLEV about two years ago, it was a web-based solution, where users can find attractions within different categories, areas, and locations. It had to be developed in order to function as an app for smartphones due to the users’ ability to find the absolute best experiences - whether they were sitting at home or perhaps ‘on the go’. TV2 Lorry had the pleasure of having Dwarf as a supplier and development partner when we had the need for a simple app with high quality and scalable opportunities for future development. Our wish was from the start, to find a development partner with the ability to really understand the idea behind the app, and this was their advantage throughout the whole project. Today, we truly have an application that we are proud of, and we can see that the community grows day by day.”

Oliver Wang Hansen

Chief Technology Officer


Mie Nanna Lybye

Project Manager

Thomas Gross Rasmussen

Frontend Developer


Maria Frøsig Christensen

Digital Designer

Markus Hylleberg

Frontend Developer


Mikkel Honkanen Larsen

Frontend Developer


David Adalberth

Creative Tech Director

Manees Joakim Newton Nør

Chief Commercial Officer

All dwarf profiles

Manees Joakim Newton Nør

Chief Commercial Officer

Thomas Schmidt

Director of MarTech

Caroline Madsen

Client Director & Studio Manager

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