A heartfelt cause for brain health
In an ambitious step towards promoting brain health, 21 organizations have come together to establish The Danish Brain Council. The aim is to unite related organizations to have a stronger collective voice and greater influence – both in the political agenda, among the public, and with contributors.
One-third of the Danish population will, at some point in their lives, be affected by a disease, injury, or condition of the brain. Despite this, brain diseases have not received the necessary attention compared to other major disease groups. The Danish Brain Council aims to change this. Better brain health is crucial for overall health and quality of life, and the new council will work to increase awareness, promote research, prevention, and treatment.
Dwarf was contacted by The Danish Brain Injury Association, which, in collaboration with the Danish ADHD Association, was working to establish a new umbrella organization now called The Danish Brain Council. To set focus on brain health and spread the good messages, The Danish Brain Council needed a simple platform and a digital brand identity, which Dwarf has helped to create.

Morten Lorenzen
Direktør for Hjerneskadeforeningen og Næstformand hos HjernerådetPeople
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