Games & Interactivity

Tid til Tur

Explore Nature with Your Family


Explore Nature with Your Family

Tid til Tur is the whole family's shortcut to more nature experiences. Volunteer nature guides make it easy to discover the many fun and educational experiences that await in nature. From tracking in the forest to fishing in the lake. From seaweed gathering on the coast to insect safaris in the park. Tid til Tur is a collaboration between The Danish Society for Nature Conservation, The Danish Hunters' Association, and The Danish Sport Fishing Association. The project is supported by the AAGE V. JENSEN NATURFOND.


Sophie van Moorselaar

Project Manager

Kasper Schou-Jensen

Creative Technologist

Flemming Westberg

Senior Frontend Developer

Jesper Scherling Olesen

.NET Developer

Anders Østergaard Nielsen

.NET Lead

Andreas Elmo

Client Consultant

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Manees Joakim Newton Nør

Chief Commercial Officer

Thomas Schmidt

Director of MarTech

Caroline Madsen

Client Director & Studio Manager

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