Plastic Pantastic
‘The Danish Return system’ (Dansk Retursystem) is a unique but also very good story. No other countries apply anything similar to this successful way of reusing packaging. Used food packaging will be remade and transformed into new food packaging. Not to car mats or district heating. This way of thinking will be more popular these coming years - and Dansk Retursystem wishes to be part of this development.
The Task
Dwarf was hired to take the lead on designing a new digital platform for Dansk Retursystem. The goal was quite clear; to communicate reusable and closed-loop circular economy. On the contrary to other environmental and climate NGO’s (The Danish Nature Conservation Association, NOAH, Greenpeace etc.), that strives to function as party sources in the climate debate, Dansk Retursystem is more unpolitical and wish to embrace many types of collaborations.
And therefore, the awareness and visibility cannot take place in sharp articles in the climate debate. Instead, Dansk Retursystem has the ambition to play a central part as the experts in relation to the circular economy and full-circle recycling.
We the consumers must return 100% of the beverage packaging and as a citizen, it is necessary to think about the label ‘recycle and to choose packaging that is 100% reusable.
Dansk Retursystem corporates with manufacturers in order to develop packaging that is suited for the circular economy, but Dansk Retursystem also helps retail companies with cost-effective collection and handling of used beverage packaging.
Moreover, they collaborate with the authorities about circular solutions and new packaging areas. It is a full circle, which means that the new website (and underlying services) must handle different target audiences and different needs.
The Solution
The new solution is based on a transparent and available navigation structure and a modularly built design system with clear and recognizable aesthetics.
The system and structure are supported by a strong taxonomy, that helps the user to explore the new universe of valuable knowledge about bottle deposit and recycling. A taxonomy that aims to create awareness to innovative collaborations with business communities that support reusable packaging - and all other materials that enforce circular economy and full circle recycling.
And finally, it is a system with easily accessible services, that help clients and other providers efficiently, in their daily corporation with the world’s best bottle deposit return system.
The Result
It is still early days… and all services and aspects of the platform are still yet to be discovered, but the first feedback is very positive – Both when you look at the information architecture, wayfinding, and the taxonomy. But in particular also in terms of the clear aesthetics, that contribute to give The Danish Return system a clearer and stronger voice in the climate debate.

Nicklas Andersen
Digital Designer

Danni Olsen
Senior Frontend Developer
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